Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The right cow

Belted Cow

The most profitable animal in FarmVille is the belted cow. Use your farm coins to buy belted cows. Each belted cow costs 1,000,000 farm coins. But every time you harvest a belted cow (it gets ready in one Farmville day i.e. 23 hrs) it yields 3000 farm coins. Let’s assume you buy 38 belted cows and place them in one of your dairies, you will be able to harvest 1, 14,000 FarmVille coins in one go! And that is not all; for buying one belted cow you will get 10,000 XPs as well!

You will be able to place four belted cows in one FarmVille plot. So, what are you waiting for....go get your cows!

Note-There is a catch!..You will have to be level 75 or above to buy the belted cow.

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