Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Earn million farm coins with belted cows Earn more with belted cows Earn more with belted cows

Buy as many belted cows as you can and place them in one of your farm. Remember not to place them inside the dairy farm or cow pastures. Place them in a plot of your farm near your dairy farm or cow pasture.

Now wait for the belted cow to be harvest ready (a belted cow is harvestable every 23 hours and earns 3000 farm coins). Once the cow(s) are harvest ready take out one cow from your dairy farm and use the ‘move’  tool from the multi tool dropdown and move the harvest ready belted cow and place it inside the dairy barn. As soon as you do this the dairy barn will be harvest ready. Harvest the dairy farm to earn FarmVille coins. Repeat the process. 

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